Membership & Dues
Membership is open to adults 18 years and older. Dues are $10 per person, per year. Please make checks payable to: N.C.L.A.
Meetings of the membership shall be held in Branch County Michigan at a date and time designated by the President in a local publication circulated in Branch County.
The NCLA meetings are open to the public. You do not have to be a member to attend a meeting, however only current members have the right to vote.
Meeting Address
Article 1: Name The name of this association shall be North Chain Lake Association.
Article 2: Mission To conserve, extend and perpetuate the interests of the members of the Association. These include: preservation of the lakes and streams, reduction of pollution, prevention of shoreline loss, weed control, and promotion of the lakes for all forms of lake sports and recreation.
Article 3: Membership Any persons, age 18 and older, who support the interests and goals of the Association, who join the Association, pay the dues and agree to abide by the By-Laws shall be eligible for membership. Membership may be terminated by action of the governing board, or automatically for failure to pay dues or failure to abide by the by-laws or by resignation.
Article 4: Dues The amount of the annual dues shall be established by the Governing Board, ratified by the membership and shall be paid in advance no later that the annual membership meeting to be effective for the following year.
Article 5: Meetings Meetings of the membership shall be held in Branch County Michigan at a date and time designated by the President in a local publication circulated in Branch County. Special meetings may be called at any time by written petition signed by twenty members in good standing, or by written notice authorized by the President. The purpose of the special meeting shall be included in the notice of the special meeting and no other business shall be conducted. Meetings shall be governed by the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order and the Association’s By-Laws. A quorum of the membership is required to authenticate all meetings of the membership. Annual meetings shall be in May and the Fall meeting shall be in September. Governing Board meetings may be called by the president or a written petition signed by a quorum of the Board.
Article 6: Rights and privileges of Membership Only members in good standing shall have the right to vote, to hold office, and to petition the Governing Board.
Article 1: Governing Board The Governing Board shall consist of the four elected officers plus three elected directors and the immediate Past President serving as an advisor. In between meetings the Governing Board can conduct business of the North Chain Lake Association.
Article 2: Officers Elected officers and duties shall be: President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the association and shall have all powers and duties usually vested in the office subject to the control of the governing board. He or she shall preside over all meetings of the membership, and represent the association with other organizations and agencies. Vice President: The Vice President, at the request of, or in the absence or disability of the President shall perform all duties of the President and any special requests of the Governing Board. Treasurer: The Treasurer is the chief financial officer responsible for receipts and disbursements of association funds, books of accounts and other financial records. He or she shall render to the Governing Board and the membership a report of funds and accounts whenever requested by them. Secretary: The Secretary shall be the chief correspondence officer. He or she shall attend all meetings of the governing board and the membership, shall create and preserve true minutes of their proceedings, shall generate a current list of the membership, shall provide all required notices, shall generate general correspondence, and any special correspondence requested by the Governing Board. Director: There shall be three Directors who shall be members of the Governing Board, responsible with the officers, for conducting the affairs of the association. Past President (Advisor): The Past President (Advisor) to the board is to assist with all affairs of the association and to provide input for education of our lake concerns to the members. Terms of Office: Terms of all elected positions shall be staggered for two years and selected at the annual meeting as follows: President on even numbered years, Vice President on odd numbered years, Treasurer on odd numbered years, Secretary on even numbered years, and one Director on even numbered years and two Directors on odd numbered years. Vacancies in the position of officers or directors occurring between annual elections shall be filled by appointment by the governing board.
Article 3: Quorum Five (5) percent or more of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Five members shall constitute a quorum for transacting business at meetings of the Governing Board.
Article 1: Amendment of the By-Laws These by-laws may be adopted, amended or repealed by an affirmative vote of a 2/3 majority of the membership at a duly convened meeting.
Article 2: Standing Committees There shall be an election committee whose chair shall be appointed annually by the President and whose members will be appointed for one year by the committee chair. This committee will be responsible for developing a slate of candidates and a set of rules for the annual election of officers and trustees.
Article 3: Ad Hoc Committees Ad Hoc Committees may be appointed at the pleasure of the President or the Governing Board.
Article 4: Order of business at meetings The Order of Business for meetings shall be: Readings of minutes of previous meeting Treasurer’s report Committee reports Special reports Old business New Business Adjournment
Amended: September 12, 2009 May 4, 2019
Signed and authenticated:
President, Terry Reen____________________________________, ____________
Secretary, Carolyn Morrison ___________________________________, ____________